
RHCT RHCE Linux Certification EXAM GUIDE: Installing virtual machine on Vmware

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I am running vmware workstation on my PC, i like VMware most comparing to Microsoft virtual pc. At work i am using vmware and i am familiar with vmware capabilities. But it's your personal preference if you want to use Virtual pc or vmware.I have been using VMware for 2 years now and never find any trouble using it.Although it's expemsive piece of software but again it allows you to install different os on single pc with ease. Only thing you would need is lot of RAM and big sized hard disks. on my laptop i am running Windows XP and Redhat enterprise Linux 4 with 1 GB of RAM. On my DesktopPC i am having 2 GB of RAM and performance is unbeatable.

BUY VMWARE WORKSTATION 4.X for Windows NT/2000/XP by VMware (CD-ROM) — Windows 2000 / NT / XP

VMware is more expensive then Microsoft Virtual PC, again it depends if you want to spend less you can go with microsoft virtual pc .